In many shapes and forms

My work is driven by my love for photography and visual story telling. I enjoy the craftsmanship as well as the theories of photography and visual culture. I have a minimalist aesthetic approach to my work, and am inspired by people, literature, our everyday life and the spaces we inhabit. Poetry, planes and plants add a nice spice to my life. In my opinion our world would benefit from having a greater awareness around the photographs we circulate and how they influence our lives and identities.
I studied photography at the Arts University Bournemouth receiving the Metro Student Bursary in 2003 for my Final Major project Interior. I then went on to study a Master degree in Visual Culture at the University of Copenhagen where I completed my master thesis Study of a Girl – A Dissertation on the Sublime Photograph and The Photographic Cyborg in 2007. Whilst still at University I co-founded and edited the photography magazine Filter – for fotografi.
Based in Copenhagen, Denmark, I am currently a working artist and photographer and a member of the exhibition board at Galleri Image in Aarhus where I have curated several exhibitions and events. I am, in addition, developing an art photography course for small children, hoping to encourage curiosity and an informed and critical approach to photography and visual culture from an early age.